Blue’s Clues birthday party

August 30, 2010 at 10:36 pm Leave a comment

We just celebrated the boys’ birthdays – a whole weekend of fun, including a “Blue’s Clues” birthday for Zachary, who turned 4. (Jadon turned 2 and is a big “Blue’s Clues” fan, too).



Food: Bagels and cream cheese with blueberry jelly, fruit, veggies and dip, macaroni salad, juice boxes, water. And cupcakes – chocolate and yellow with pawprint design – mine had blue frosting and Ron’s were strawberries and blueberries. Since “Blue’s Clues” has been off the air since 2006, I couldn’t find any themed party decorations so I just took the cue from the title and we used blue plates and napkins.

The food was out when the guests arrived and an art table was set up for the kids. Each kid got a giant envelope for their crafts, with their name on it (We just got a letter…) and their own “Handy Dandy notebook” to decorate. The table included crayons and markers, “Blue’s Clues” coloring pages (downloaded from tne NickJr site) and stickers. Kids (with some help from parents) could also make stick puppets (also from NickJr site) – they could cut them out and then tape them to colored craft sticks.

Then “Blue” stopped by (from Arizona Party Pals) and he played a parachute game with the kids, as well as duck, duck goose and – their favorite – tag. Blue chased the kids around and they laughed hysterically.

Next “Blue” helped us sing “Happy birthday” and cupcakes were served.

The kids had a blast!

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End of summer, first day of school Mileposts: Ages 2 and 4 (and 4 months)

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